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1. Mimkomcho


Composed by one of the most celebrated artists in Jewish music - Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach.

Click here to a WikiPage where you can read all about the man and his music.


“From Thy place our King, shine forth and reign over us for we await Thee. When wilt Thou reign in Zion? Speedily, in our days, dwell there forever more.


To listen to a sample click below.

2. Rozo D'shabbos


Composed by the legendary Cantor Pierre Pinchik. This mystical Kabbalistic text describes the union of various aspects of Hashem's holiness on Friday evening at the commencement of Shabbos. Taken from the Holy Zohar, we learn how the Holy One, Blessed Be He, ascends His throne, the world is illuminated by the celestial light of creation, and all forces of evil and severe judgment are dispelled.


To listen to a sample click below.



3. Yismach Moshe



A beautiful song from the Shabbos morning liturgy. The predictability of melody, rhyme and text make this a wonderful selection to sing with children around the Shabbos table.


To listen to a sample click below.

4. Gut Fun Avrohom / Zul Nokh Zayn Shabbos


A child begs his grandmother not to say the Motzei Shabbos prayer (Saturday Night Prayer) as it would signal the end of his wonderful day of rest.


To listen to a sample click below.

5. Kehilos Hakodesh


A dirge for Jewish martyrs throughout the ages, from the Shabbos morning liturgy.


To listen to a sample click below.

6. Mamele


Reminiscing about the intense experiences of motherly love, especially during Shabbos candle lighting.


To listen to a sample click below.

7. Ad Heino


Duet with Cantor Simon Cohen to the text from the Shabbos morning liturgy that proclaims Hashem's greatness.


To listen to a sample click below.

8. Shabbos Koidesh


A Yiddish song depicting the third and final feast of Shabbos. A time of intense spiritual elevation but with a feeling of dire loss as Shabbos is about to leave us. We are consoled however, with the knowledge that the ultimate Shabbos will come soon, with the coming of Moshiach.


Below is an interesting bio of the composer. Thank you once again Dr. David Prager.


To listen to a sample click below.

9. Hamavdil


A Yiddish song with some text of the Motzei Shabbos (Saturday Night) liturgy. We beg Hashem to forgive our sins and send us a week of blessing.


To listen to a sample click below.

10. Yedid Nefesh


A Yiddish / Hebrew song with some text, this time of the Seudah Shlishit (Traditional third Shabbos feast) liturgy. We beseech Hashem to grant the sick perfect healing. Composed by Cantor Samuel Malavsky.


To listen to a sample click below.

11. Zemiros Medley


A potpourri of Chassidic Shabbos Zemiros composed by Oscar Julius. I first heard this piece as young boy, when my father played a record of my mentor, Cantor Moshe Stern.


To listen to a sample click below.


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